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篇名 論孔孟的道德真誠機制——以「名」為視角
卷期 50:9=592
並列篇名 On the Mechanism of Moral Sincerity in Confucius and Mencius from the Perspective of “Name”
作者 周曉露
頁次 167-182
關鍵字 道德真誠孔子孟子MoralitySincerityNameConfuciusMenciusA&HCI
出刊日期 202309




The issue of moral sincerity is embedded in the early Confucian exploration of “ren”. Given that “name” is the abstract form of ritual, Confucius constructed the moral emotional basis of “ren” for the ritual system that regulates external behavior, and deepened the ritual mechanism of name-act consistency into the moral sincerity mechanism of name-act-heart double layer consistency. However, when Confucius constructs the foundation of morality for the hierarchical name system, the orderly role of the “self” precedes the moral role, and both are external to the “self”; Confucius does not argue why morality is the natural choice of the “self”. In this regard, Mencius transforms the external name of morality into the internal “nature”, in effect shaping the “self” with an internal moral role, thus proving that morality is the natural choice of man. The difference lies in whether the source of morality is presented in the external “name” or in the internal “nature”.
