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篇名 行人安全強化機制探討
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Discussion on Pedestrian Safety Strengthening Mechanism
作者 曾三城鄭惟元
頁次 045-052
關鍵字 行人安全人流攝影機投射燈深度學習影像斷線回補pedestrian safetytraffic cameraspotlightdeep learningvideo disconnection compensation
出刊日期 202307




The government has strengthened traffic order by expanding counties and cities to build technology-based law enforcement bans, and improved pedestrian safety by banning "not yielding to pedestrians". It is hoped that vehicle drivers will develop the habit of obeying traffic rules to reduce traffic accidents. However, despite the driver's efforts to abide by the traffic rules, it is still inevitable that the driver may become fatigued, distracted, or face other distractions. In addition, during dark or poorly lit conditions, as well as on rainy days with poor visibility, the driver of the vehicle may have difficulty seeing pedestrians, which can easily lead to accidents. The pedestrian safety enhancement mechanism discussed in this article aims to address such problems. It seeks to ensure that pedestrians on the zebra crossing are visible to the driver of the vehicle, and in some cases, even to the vehicle itself, and the vehicle can automatically stop when approaching a pedestrian quickly. It is expected that the pedestrian safety can be more comprehensive promoted.
