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篇名 UAV傾斜測繪技術建立3D模型之技術應用探討
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Study on Build 3D Model by UAV Tilting and Mapping Technology
作者 王其聖連立川陳威達
頁次 053-062
關鍵字 工業廠區無人飛行載具傾斜測繪實景建模Industrial ComplexUnmanned Aerial VehicleTilting and MappingAugmented Reality
出刊日期 202307




In the past few years, load capacity and flight stability of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle have been greatly improved. Supplementary to, related applications of UAVs have becoming more and more extensive. Among them, UAV tilt mapping technology can be combined with Augmented Reality images to provide buildings on a larger scale. The massive information of objects and their surrounding environment should be able to solve the limitations of BIM technology. Therefore, the combination of BIM and UAV is one of the themes that can be developed in the future. This study establishes the modelling of the model through sample cases, and then takes the XX industrial zone as an application case, based on the follow-up discussion and analysis of the results.
