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篇名 跨國震災救難人員創傷後壓力症候群因應策略之研究
卷期 42:5
並列篇名 Post-traumatic stress disorder response strategies in cross-national earthquake rescue workers
作者 李燕青吳政倫
頁次 576-586
關鍵字 地震救難人員創傷後壓力症候群休假因應因應策略earthquakesrescue workerspost-traumatic stress disordertaking a vacation coping stylecoping strategiesScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 202310
DOI 10.6288/TJPH.202310_42(5).112052


目標:探討跨國救災後救難人員創傷後壓力症候群之因應策略,達到確切有效的處理措施。方法:本研究對象為因應2023年2月6日土耳其發生規模7.8地震死傷慘重而支援震災之國際搜救隊之救難人員,有效樣本共計121人。研究工具為結構性問卷,內容包括個人基本資料、簡式健康量表、中文版戴氏創傷量表及自填因應方式。結果:在Logistic迴歸分析中,僅有「休假因應方式」對創傷後壓力症候群有顯著預測效果(OR=0.332;95%CI=0.114-0.964; p=0.043)。結論:充足的訓練或相關災難演練能夠提升救難人員自信心,並掌握團隊能力減少PTSD風險,雖然本次研究過程中有進行的專業諮商服務,文獻也持肯定態度,但在本次統計分析中專業諮商服務並不顯著,反而讓我們發現「休假因應方式」能使救難人員達到心身的修復狀態,因此,期望在本研究中提出適切有效的因應策略建議,強化「事前教育、救災中預防對策及災後照顧」等三大面向,讓未來跨國救災人員能夠得到合適的因應作為,避免創傷後壓力症候群的發生。


Objectives: This study aims to explore strategies for dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in rescue workers after providing multinational disaster relief and identify effective management measures. Methods: A valid sample of 121 international search and rescue team members who supported rescue efforts following the 7.8-magnitude earthquake in Turkey on February 6, 2023, was considered for this study. The study instrument was a structured questionnaire comprising basic demographic information, the five-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale, the Chinese version of the Davidson Trauma Scale, and a self-rated coping style. Results: In the logistic regression analysis, the only coping style that was a significant predictor of PTSD was that of taking a vacation (OR = 0.332; 95%CI = 0.114–0.964; p = 0.043). Conclusions: Adequate training or relevant disaster drills can improve workers’ self-confidence and the team’s ability to reduce the risk of PTSD. Taking vacations can allow the rescue worker to physically and mentally recover, and the provision of professional counseling services can further enhance social support for rescue workers. Therefore, the study proposes three major strategies, namely, pre-education, prevention during disaster relief, and post-disaster care, for dealing with PTSD in rescue workers.

