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篇名 臺灣島雲遮蔽時空分布
卷期 37:2
並列篇名 Spatiotemporal Distributions of Cloud Cover in Taiwan
作者 賴彥任
頁次 093-104
關鍵字 中級解析度成像分光輻射度計雲遮蔽率雲頂高度MODISCloud cover rateCloud top height
出刊日期 202306
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.202306_37(2).0002




Solar radiation is the major energy source of the Earth. The amount of solar radiation reaching the ground is significantly affected by the characteristics of clouds. In addition, clouds are one of the most important factors for the interaction of energy, water, and carbon between the surface and the atmosphere. This study explored the long-term, seasonal, and diurnal spatial variability of island-wide cloud cover in Taiwan based on MODIS cloud product data from 2003 to 2021. The results showed that the average cloud top heights of the middle and low clouds were 2,285 m and 4,539 m, respectively, which are the two major cloud classes affecting Taiwan. Moreover, the cloud cover rate in the afternoon was higher than that of the other three observation periods. The cloud cover rate of the three geographical climatic regions in the east was significantly higher than that in the three western regions. The northeast region of Taiwan has the highest cloud shadowing rate, followed by the southeast region.
