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篇名 元宇宙:身心分離與身心融合
卷期 50:12=595
並列篇名 Metaverse: Separation and Fusion of Mind-Body
作者 柳海濤
頁次 129-142
關鍵字 元宇宙人工智慧身體心靈化身MetaverseArtificial IntelligenceBodyMindAvatarA&HCI
出刊日期 202312




Artificial intelligence is the technical construction of the principles of human intelligence based on the definition of human intelligence. Artificial intelligence logically presupposes the absolute separation of mind and body, so that mind can be naturalized into computing-representation model. As a three-dimensional intelligent technology, the metaverse shapes a virtual space through the integration of augmented reality, lifelogging, mirror world and virtual reality. Virtual space exists on the condition of physical immersion, which leads to an inherent tension in the metaverse: on the one hand, it presupposes the separation of mind and body, on the other hand, its existence is based on the integration of mind-body. This gives rise to another form of the body in the metaverse scene: avatar. The avatar is concrete image of the physical body generated through immersion in virtual reality. From non-body to embodiment to avatar, the metaverse instigated the re-integration of mind-body. The technical rationality of the mutual integration of the real and the virtual makes the metaverse contains certain transcendence, which opens up new possibility space for human life world.
