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篇名 從「循名責實」到「深察名號」——論漢初名學的發展脈絡
卷期 50:12=595
並列篇名 From “Evaluating Things and Events by Their Names” to “Deeply Examining Names and Designations”: On the Development of Ming Theory in Early Han Dynasty
作者 張靖傑
頁次 143-156
關鍵字 名學循名責實深察名號董仲舒NamesMing TheoryEvaluating Things and Events by Their NamesDeeply Examining Names and DesignationsDong ZhongshuA&HCI
出刊日期 202312




Pre-Qin’s Ming theory (名學) gradually declined during the Qin and Han dynasties, however, the discussion on name did not disappear. In early Han dynasty, “evaluating things and events by their names” (循名責實), as the proposal of Huang-Lao Taoism, worked as the theoretical basis of the system of prefectures and counties. Confucian scholars who worked on setting up the rites and etiquettes made name — as the first and most important part — stand out. These two clues were fused together in Dong Zhongshu’s proposal of “deeply examining names and designations” (深察名號). For one thing, Dong learned from the Huang-Lao Taoist theory of the relation between Dao and name to demonstrate the origin and importance of name. For another, he deepened the Confucius proposal of “rectifying names” by making former rough and scattered discussion systematic.
