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篇名 羅浩「沉思實踐」視域中的《莊子》生命之思
卷期 50:12=595
並列篇名 Reflections on Life in the Zhuangzi through Roth’s Perspective of Contemplative Practice
作者 馬珊珊
頁次 157-170
關鍵字 羅浩沉思詮釋學沉思實踐莊子認知調適生命整全性RothContemplation HermeneuticsContemplative Practicethe ZhuangziCognitive AttunementThe Wholeness of LifeA&HCI
出刊日期 202312




Roth argues that there is one principle of contemplative practices throughout the genealogy of early Daoist texts and exemplified by the Zhuangzi. It is contended that the meaning of “school”, “philosophy”, “cultivation” and texts formation should be synchronized with the contemplative practice in order to restore the real of Daoist origin. Through contemplative hermeneutics and combining with contemplative phenomenology, Roth reasons that Zhuangzi’s thought, which as a typical Daoist contemplation, aimed at cognitive attunement. Roth shows that the fundamental concerns of Zhuangzi’s contemplation is the wholeness of life. It determines that the study of Daoist philosophy should incorporate contemplative practices to achieve more objective understanding of the Zhuangzi.
