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篇名 疫情下的宗教儀式的變動:以柔佛古廟遊神的網路直播為例(2020-2021)
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 Changes in Religious Rituals in the Context of the Epidemic: A Case Study of Live Streaming during Processions of the Johor Ancient Chinese Temple (2020-2021)
作者 莊仁傑
頁次 173-233
關鍵字 柔佛古廟遊神儀式權力信徒範圍空間procession of the Johor Ancient Chinese Templeritualpowerscope of believersspaceScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 202312




The Covid-19 pandemic has spread worldwide since 2020. The pandemic has greatly affected large religious events that require large numbers of people to attend in person and has caused some large religious events to adjust their rituals and go to live streaming. One instance of this is the procession of the Johor Ancient Chinese Temple. In this paper, the rituals of the procession of the Johor Ancient Chinese Temple between 2020 and 2022 serve as a case study, examining how religious rituals have changed as a result of the epidemic and live streaming. The paper also discusses how the power and rights of each participant in the procession have changed, and how the range of believers has changed. As I observed, the rituals of the procession of the Johor Ancient Chinese Temple in 2020 was changed only slightly because there were few cases of the Covid-19 in Malaysia then. However, the rituals in 2021 were transformed dramatically because the virus had by then spread widely in Malaysia, with the number of cases of Covid-19 reaching thousands a day during the time the rituals of the procession were going on. Believers were allowed to participate in some parts of the ritual in 2020, although other parts of the rituals were not open to them. The rituals in 2021 were open to participation for the host and staff only. Believers were not allowed to participate in the procession in person but allowed to participate in the rituals by watching live streaming instead. Following the loosening of prevention policies in 2022, some rituals of the procession could be resumed, but measures such as limiting the number of participants had to be taken. There are three main changes in the rituals that have taken place over the past three years: some previously important rituals have been further highlighted through live streaming, but some have been marginalized. In addition, although the rituals have changed, the organizers still show their power through the rituals and live streaming. The owner of the Johor Ancient Chinese Temple and the main host of the procession, the Chinese Association of Johor Bahru, was expanded, but the power of other hosts, such as the five associations of Chinese dialect groups, was reduced, and the power and rights of the general public/believers became even more limited. Finally, many people can participate in the procession through live streaming, so the organizers directly included all viewers as believers, expanding the range of believers through virtual space. Previous studies have focused on cases in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, but the procession of the Johor Ancient Chinese Temple in Johor Bahru was held outside of the regions of Greater China, providing insight into how Chinese religious activities outside of Greater China manifest local power and social order. In addition, the relationships and interactions among religion, power, and space can be seen in the procession of the Johor Ancient Chinese Temple, so that future discussion of religious space can further expand the understanding of religious activities and the power they embody.
