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篇名 從生態系統供給服務的角度評估供水短缺對新竹地區工業產值的影響
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 Evaluating the Impact of Water Scarcity on Industrial Output Value in Hsinchu Area from the Perspective of Ecosystem Provisioning Services
作者 李崇恩林子羿董玟慧郭乃文闕蓓德
頁次 101-132
關鍵字 新竹科學園區生態系統服務供給服務區域性水資源耗用衝擊特徵模式Hsinchu Science Parkecosystem servicesprovisioning servicesRegionalized Characterization Model of Water Consumption ImpactsTSSCI
出刊日期 202309




As a principal industrial center in Taiwan, the Hsinchu region heavily relies on the water resources provided by the ecosystem to sustain its production needs. Once water shortages occur, it will significantly impact the industrial output of Taiwan. This study utilized the "Regionalized Characterization Model of Water Consumption Impacts" to quantify the value losses in three major industrial parks in the Hsinchu region due to insufficient water supply during drought events. The model's results indicate that when an additional one cubic meter of water is extracted from the upstream catchment areas of the Touqian-Shangping River by other sectors without returning it to the original basin, the Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu Biomedical Science Park, and Hukou Industrial Park will suffer value losses ranging from NTD$7,696 to NT$14,658 (with a standard deviation of NT$1,708), NTD$3 to NTD$871 (with a standard deviation of NTD$156), and NTD$7,504 to NTD$8,320 (with a standard deviation of NTD$212), respectively. Time series data also revealed a growing trend in economic losses over the years. These findings highlight the significant economic contribution of the ecosystem in the upstream catchment areas of the Touqian-Shangping River in supplying water resources for industrial production. Based on this data, governmental agencies and stakeholders could consider investing in developing alternative water sources to adapt to such impacts. Also, they could explore incorporating corporate social responsibility and ecosystem service compensation to safeguard the provisioning services of the ecosystem in the upstream catchment areas while ensuring the sustainable development of industrial activities.
