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篇名 全球碳定價發展趨勢-企業與國家間競合
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 The Global Trend of Carbon Pricing-Competition between Corporations and Nations
作者 劉易鑫黃千容
頁次 133-164
關鍵字 碳定價新興金融產業國際政治經濟Carbon PricingEmerging Financial IndustryInternational RelationsInternational Political EconomyTSSCI
出刊日期 202309




This study discusses the development trends of carbon pricing and the interaction between countries and enterprises from the perspective of international political economy. The study reveals that the international financial assets associated with carbon pricing will not only become the next generation of emerging financial commodities but also enable advanced economy enterprises to exert influence on developing economies with higher carbon rights through strategies of resistance and compliance. Taking the case of the competition between the US government and Tesla as an example, it is evident that carbon pricing and carbon trading involve multiple game dynamics of cooperation and confrontation between countries and enterprises, particularly in terms of shared interests where cooperation exists alongside confrontations for capital. As a result, each carbon trading market linked to carbon pricing experiences a balancing process between national priorities and maximizing corporate interests. The difference lies in the fact that the carbon trading game provides large-scale enterprises with more negotiation space and discursive power.
