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篇名 Jamovi為適用於教育和研究使用的易用開源統計軟體
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 A User-Friendly, Open-Source Statistical Software "Jamovi" for Education and Research
作者 辜美安吳宜霖
頁次 112-118
關鍵字 統計分析數據分析統計軟體數據可視化statistical analysisdata analysisstatistical softwaredata visualizationTSCI
出刊日期 202401
DOI 10.6320/FJM.202401_28(1).0013




The aim of this article is to introduce a statistical software called jamovi, focusing on its features and functionality. It is a free, cross-platform, open-source R language that serves as a front-end interface software with a dropdown menu and support for R language and R packages. For beginners in statistics, jamovi provides an intuitive user interface that enables users to quickly familiarize themselves with basic statistical methods, thereby reducing learning costs. For advanced users, jamovi's statistical functions can be expanded by installing modules. This article also analyzes the advantages and weaknesses of jamovi so that readers can understand the strengths and limitations of this software. In summary, jamovi is a statistical software that is easy to learn and use. Its compatibility with the R language makes it an ideal choice for educational settings and therefore, a data analysis tool worth further exploring.
