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篇名 對比聖嚴法師與星雲大師的「人間淨土」涵義與實踐
卷期 51:1=596
並列篇名 Comparing The Meanings and Practices of “Pure Land on Earth” by Master Sheng Yen and Master Hsing Yun
作者 曾春海
頁次 049-069
關鍵字 太虛和尚印順導師聖嚴法師星雲大師人間佛教人間淨土Master TaixuMaster Yin ShunMaster Sheng YenMaster Hsing YunBuddhism on EarthPure Land on EarthA&HCI
出刊日期 202401




This article first recalls the question consciousness of Master Taixu and Master Yin Shun, who advocate the thoughts of “Buddhism on earth” and “pure land on earth,” the theoretical foundation and discourse content of Buddhism before clarifying contextually why and how Master Sheng Yen and Master Hsing Yun carry on and develop these thoughts. Here we interpret respectively their main points of “Buddhism on earth” and “pure land on earth,” the theoretical foundation of how to develop “Buddhism on earth,” their approaches to the practice of “pure land on earth,” and finally compare their similarities and differences.
