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篇名 臺灣達悟族海洋環境哲學:以藍波安自然書寫為基點
卷期 51:1=596
並列篇名 Ocean Environmental Philosophy of Taiwan Ta-u People: Based on the Natural Writing of Rapongan
作者 楊一
頁次 151-165
關鍵字 臺灣原住民環境哲學藍波安達悟族海洋文化Taiwanese AboriginesEnvironmental PhilosophySyaman RaponganTa-u peopleOcean CultureA&HCI
出刊日期 202401




In the island surrounded by mountains and sea, how to live in harmony with nature has been a way for Taiwanese aborigines to survive for generations. The Ta-u people, which is distributed in the southeast of the island, is the unique Marine nationality in Taiwan. In recent years, with the efforts of indigenous writers, the special environment, customs and ways of living of Ta-u people, as well as the ecological ethical wisdom of ethnic minorities contained therein, have been understood by the public. This paper will explore the anti-anthropocentric ecological concepts and traditions in aboriginal culture in the ethnography and nature writings of Taiwanese aborigines writers Syaman Rapongan, tracing and reproducing the ecological ontology, ecological cognition and ecological methodology of ocean environmental philosophy, as well as the proposed moral goals, moral principles and codes of conduct.
