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篇名 宗教學視域下的儒家孝道研究——以陳白沙孝母為例
卷期 51:1=596
並列篇名 An Approach to Confucian’s Filial Piety from the Viewpoint of Religious Study — A Case Study of Chen Baisha’s Fialial Piety to His Mother
作者 龔禮茹
頁次 167-181
關鍵字 心性之學宗教陳白沙宗教學Filial PietyThe Study of Mind-NatureReligionChen BaishaScience of ReligionA&HCI
出刊日期 202401




Filial piety is one of the essential virtues in Confucianism tradition. It refers not only to moral actions, but also to our thinking towards ultimate origin and the meaning of existence, the concept involves the relationship between different values in physical world and metaphysical world, which is closely related to religious issues. This paper attempts to discuss Chen Baisha’s (陳白沙) filial piety from the perspective of Science of Religion. His philosophy of filial piety won’t be regarded as a specific form of religion, but to study it under the framework of Science of Religion. Through Chen Baisha’s experience of filial piety as an example, we can explore the ultimate concern and responsibility behind his filial piety, and then reveal the relationship between Confucian filial piety and religion, which has certain academic significance for deepening the study of Confucian religious nature of modern new Confucianism.
