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篇名 新約文獻學與處境分析之先鋒:古斯塔夫.阿道夫.戴斯曼於新約研究之貢獻
卷期 2023
並列篇名 Pioneer of the New Testament Philologist and Context Analysis: A Study of Gustav Adolf Deissmann’s Contribution to the New Testament Interpretation
作者 劉加恩
頁次 079-114
關鍵字 古斯塔夫.阿道夫.戴斯曼聖經希臘文早期基督教普世教會主義文獻學Gustav Adolf DeissmannNew Testament GreekPrimitive ChristianityEcumenismPhilology
出刊日期 202312


戴斯曼(Gustav Adolf Deissmann)乃是兩次世界大戰中,德國學界具有極大影響力的新約學者,在許多領域都成為關鍵性的人物。其最著名的貢獻乃在於對於新約希臘文的研究,甚至被稱為新約文獻學之先鋒。學者們曾經將新約聖經的語言視為神聖且特殊的文字,然而,戴斯曼則指出新約中的希臘文,事實上乃是日常生活和商業中的通用語言。他也是探索早期教會社會世界語境化的先驅,他的研究擴及早期基督教的考古與社會背景,後更發展國際普世主義。本文將著重其對希臘文、基督教發展和國際普世主義的研究,並將論證其中方法論的優缺點。


Gustav Adolf Deissmann is one of the most influential German scholars of the New Testament between the two World Wars. He is regarded as a scholar who “has played a pivotal role in several wholly different fields of scholastic inquiry.” His best known contribution is on the Greek language of the New Testament, and he is called the father of the New Testament philologist. Scholars used to understand the New Testament language as either a particular Greek of the Holy Ghost or as a replete with Semitisms. G. A. Deissmann, however, argues that the New Testament Greek is a common language for daily life and business. He is also a pioneer of probing into contextualization of the social world of the early church. He is described as a person who is interested in three areas: “postclassical Greek, the archaeological and social context of primitive Christianity, and international ecumenism.” This paper will focus on his studies of Greek language, development of Christianity, and international ecumenism, and this paper will argue for both the strengths and weaknesses of his methods.
