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篇名 于斌樞機主教〈大學教育的目的〉之詮釋及其開展
卷期 51:2=597
並列篇名 The Interpretation and Development of Cardinal Paul Yü Pin’s “The Purpose of a University Education”
作者 蘇嫈雰
頁次 069-088
關鍵字 于斌樞機主教〈大學教育的目的〉明明德道德生活親民止於至善Cardinal Paul Yü Pin“The Purpose of a University Education”Illustrating Illustrious VirtueMoral LifeRenovating the PeopleResting in the Highest ExcellenceA&HCI
出刊日期 202402




In the academic year 1974-1975 orientation of Fu Jen Catholic University (FJCU), Cardinal Paul Yü Pin (于斌), the first president after FJCU was re-established in 1961 in Taiwan, delivered the speech “The Purpose of a University Education”. In his speech, Yü Pin quoted from Daxue (《大學》, The Great Learning) : “What the Great Learning teaches, is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence.” Does the idea of this quotation from Daxue still inspire the contemporary higher education? This paper will interpret the main purpose of “illustrating illustrious virtue”, which means, the moral cultivation and rational inspiration. Secondly, this paper explains the significance of the “moral life”: distinguishing the right from the wrong, recognizing the reason without hidden agenda so that can learn how to behave oneself properly, and putting into practice in the daily human affectivity. Then this paper transfers the idea of “renovating the people” and “resting in the highest excellence” into modern meaning in order to connect with the contemporary higher education: making up one’s mind based on relations theory and service theory, always being open-minded to true knowledge, and discussing that “intellectual curiosity” can “expand” the field of knowledge constantly. Finally, this paper indicates that the mission of education is to cultivate a “perfect man”, which means everyone can carry forward goodness and virtue with appropriate development.
