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篇名 重釋《傳習錄》第三十五條——以明明德與親民之關係為中心
卷期 51:2=597
並列篇名 Reinterpreting Wang Yangming’s Chuanxilu Section 35 — Focusing on the Relationship between Ming Mingde and Qinmin
作者 陸綺俊
頁次 169-183
關鍵字 《傳習錄》王陽明明明德親民惟精惟一去人欲存天理朱熹ChuanxiluWang YangmingLiSplitting UpPutting TogetherMing MingdeQinminWeijing WeiyiEliminating Human Desires to Preserve Heavenly PrinciplesZhu XiA&HCI
出刊日期 202402




Chuanxilu section 35 has long been interpreted in Chinese, English, Korean and Japanese as an Q&A about “li” (理). However, this interpretation appears to be logically inconsistent. By re-examining Zhu Xi’s words quoted in the disciple’s question and the context of Yangming mentioning “weijing weiyi” (惟精惟一) in his answer, we found that this section actually discusses the relationship between “ming mingde” (明明德) and “qinmin” (親民) in the Great Learning. Yangming believes that one can only manifest his/her “mingde” when practicing in human relations. For him, “ming mingde” and “qinmin” take place at the same time. On the other hand, Zhu Xi proposes that “qinmin” comes after “ming mingde”. Eventually, in section 35, Yangming criticizes Zhu Xi for splitting “ming mingde” and “qinmin” up. The relationship between “ming mingde” and “qinmin” is one of the crucial issues in Yangming’s established theory. Consequently, being a record in Yangming’s early career that deals with the relationship of the two, Chuanxilu section 35 can be seen as a prelude to his established theory and is therefore significant enough to be worth studying.
