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篇名 疫情時代下使用延伸科技接受模式探討因材網之使用意向
卷期 462
並列篇名 Exploring the Intention of Using Adaptive Learning Education Platform in the Epidemic Period by Applying the Extended Technology Acceptance Model
作者 陳明志劉明洲
頁次 018-036
關鍵字 COVID-19線上教學因材網科技接受模式延伸科技接受模式ALEPCOVID-19online teaching and learningTAMTAM2
出刊日期 202309




The purpose of this study was to examine the use of Adaptive Learning Education Platform (ALEP) as a supplemental teaching method by elementary school teachers during an epidemic outbreak. During the outbreak, online teaching became a necessary teaching method to avoid large clusters of infected students. This study used the Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2) as the theoretical framework and foundation, and an online survey was conducted with 212 valid questionnaires from elementary school teachers. The results of the study revealed that curriculum cognition (CC) and computerized teaching effectiveness (TE) had positive and significant effects on perceived usefulness (PU), CC and TE had positive and significant effects on perceived ease of use (PEOU); PU and PEOU had significant effects on behavior intentions of users (BIU). Based on the five dimensions, and with the addition of social influence (SI), it was found that teachers were not easily pressured by their supervisors, parents, students, or peers to use the ALEP, which means that teachers have a high degree of autonomy, and using ALEP depends on whether the functions of the website meet the teaching needs. In the process of using ALEP, teachers are concerned with identifying the goals that students need to achieve and the website’s functions can be applied to supplement teaching simply and clearly. The results of this study may provide references for future school teachers who want to adopt ALEP as a supplemental teaching aid and provide valuable documentation for future scholars who want to engage in follow-up research on ALEP.
