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篇名 跨越性別框架,深化對跨性別者的理解
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Beyond Gender Norms: Deepening Understanding of Transgender Individuals in Taiwan
作者 于政民
頁次 068-073
關鍵字 跨性別性少數LGBTQ性別平等transgendersexual and gender minoritiesLGBTQgender equitTSCI
出刊日期 202403
DOI 10.53106/199457952024031802010




Since the legalization of same-sex marriage in Taiwan in May 2019, Taiwanese citizens have become increasingly aware of the concerns of sexual minorities. One subgroup of sexual minorities that continues to be underappreciated is transgender individuals. This article offers several recommendations for sensitively interacting with transgender individuals, such as not emphasizing their biological sex, refraining from outing individuals against their wishes, and avoiding inappropriate words of praise. In both clinical and daily settings, respecting gender identity and avoiding stereotypes helps establish a friendly and respectful atmosphere.
