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篇名 清真與天真:李白詩「清真」意涵檢證兼論其貴真創作觀
卷期 7
並列篇名 Qinzhen (清真)and Tianzhen (天真): A Meaning Discrimination of the Key Word "Tianzhen" (天真) in LiBai's Poetry, with a Discussion on His Concept of Guizhen (貴真)
作者 沈祺人
頁次 033-056
關鍵字 李白清真天真貴真Li-bai; Qinzhen Tianzhen Guizhen THCI
出刊日期 202206




This thesis discriminates the meaning of two key words “Qinzhen” (清真) and “Tianzhen” (天真)which appear in LiBai's poetry Fifty-nine Antiquity Articles (古風五十九首). “Qinzhen” (清真) in Antiquity Articles No.1 (古風其一) is usually interpreted as “refined” (超然脫俗), “innocence” (純真本色) and “natural” (天真自然). Those might not be the original meaning of “Qinzhen”(清真) while would be the correct meaning of “Tianzhen” (天真), the word from Antiquity Articles No.35 (古風其三十五). The interpretation of Antiquity Articles No.35 (古風其三十五) present is also vague, this thesis attempt to make it detailed. Furthermore, the final chapter discusses how LiBai took the concept of Guizhen (貴真) into his poetry creation in the historical context of Chinese literature and criticism.
