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篇名 社區長者營養指導介入後飲食蛋白質攝取量與肌力改善之探討
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Dietary Protein Intake and Muscle Strength Improvement Following a Nutritional Guidance Intervention Among Older Adults in the Community
作者 賴金蓮黃郁潔李國任
頁次 012-020
關鍵字 65歲以上長者蛋白質攝取量肌耐力訓練Older adults over 65Protein intakeMuscle endurance training
出刊日期 202404



社區65 歲以上長者30 位,為期三個月時間,由營養師介入營養指導,長者依據飲食紀錄圖示,攝取足量蛋白質。於首次及最後一次營養指導介入,使用迷你營養評估表單評估長者蛋白質攝取量指標。於首次及最後一次運動課程,運用上肢30秒肱二頭肌手臂屈舉次數與下肢30 秒坐站測試次數測試肌耐力,運用握力測試器,測試肌力。

使用配對樣本t 檢定做分析,數值以平均值± 標準差呈現,統計顯著標準為p<0.05;營養指導介入前後測:蛋白質攝取量指標分數(0.8±0.3分vs.1±0.1 分;p<0.05), 營養不良指標分數(25.3±2.5 分vs.25.4±2.4 分;p<0.05)。肌耐力與肌力前後測:慣用手30 秒肱二頭肌手臂屈舉(4.83±0.38 次vs.5±0 次;p<0.05),非慣用手30 秒肱二頭肌手臂屈舉(4.7±0.53 次vs.4.93±0.25次;p<0.05), 下肢30 秒坐站測試(3.9±0.99 次vs.4.2±0.96 次;p<0.05),優勢手握力(21.47±7.12公斤vs.21.88±7.35 公斤;p<0.05)。



The aim of this study was to evaluate the nutritional intake and muscle endurance status of older adults, the effect of a nutritional guidance intervention, and the correlation between protein intake and muscle strength improvement.

Thirty older adults over the age of 65 residing in the community received nutritional guidance from dieticians for 3 months, and were required to consume an adequate amount of protein according to a food tracking diagram. At the first and last nutritional guidance interventions, the participants’ protein intake indicators were evaluated using the Mini Nutritional Assessment. During the first and last exercise classes, participants’ muscle endurance was assessed using the 30-second bicep curl test for the upper limbs and the 30-second sit-to-stand test for the lower limbs. The participants’ muscle strength was assessed using a hand grip dynamometer.

Statistical analysis was performed using a paired-samples Student’s t test, and the data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation. p<0.05 indicated statistical significance. Pre- and post-testing of the nutritional guidance intervention showed that the protein intake index scores were 0.8±0.3 vs.1±0.1(p<0.05), and the malnutrition index score was 25.3±2.5 vs.25.4±2.4(p<0.05). Pre- and post-testing of muscle endurance and muscle strength indicated 4.83±0.38 vs.5±0(p<0.05) 30-second bicep curls with the dominant hand and 4.7±0.53 vs.4.93±0.25(p<0.05) with the non-dominant hand. the number of 30-second sit-to-stand movements was 3.9±0.99 vs.4.2±0.96(p<0.05) and the grip strength of the dominant hand was 21.47±7.12kg vs.21.88±7.35kg(p<0.05).

In conclusion, providing older adults in the community with a nutritional guidance intervention on protein intake and muscle endurance training had a significant positive impact on increasing protein intake and improving muscle endurance performance, which can contribute to maintaining physiological health during aging and preventing and delaying functional decline.
