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篇名 益生菌食用習慣與感染嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)之相關性調查
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Correlation Analysis Between Probiotics Consumption Habits and Coronavirus Disease
作者 徐瑞霞洪曼芸陳炎鍊李俊霖蔡政志陳勁初陳彥伯
頁次 021-032
關鍵字 益生菌肺炎COVID-19台灣乳酸菌協會ProbioticsPneumoniaCOVID-19Taiwan Lactic Acid Bacteria Association
出刊日期 202404







A questionnaire-based survey was conducted among Taiwanese people to examine the correlation between probiotics consumption habits and coronavirus disease (COVID-19) during the pandemic.

Electronic questionnaires were administered to 6,189 Taiwanese individuals to collect data regarding their probiotics consumption habits, preferences for product types and dosage forms, consumption frequency, and age distribution. Subsequently, we compared the rate of confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, recovery rate, and disease severity between those consuming and not consuming probiotics.

The 6,189 questionnaires comprised 6,188 valid questionnaires and 1 invalid questionnaire, and 80% of the valid questionnaire respondents belonged to the 31-60 years age group. Moreover, 78.51% of respondents consumed probiotics, and most of them were aged 31-60 years (82%); 78.83% of respondents regularly consumed only one type of dosage form, and granules/powders were the most popular choice (70.27%). Regarding consumption frequency, 30.38% of valid respondents consumed probiotics >30 times/month, accounting for the largest proportion. Further COVID-19-related investigations revealed that the rate of confirmed diagnosis was slightly higher in individuals who consumed probiotics (49.86%) than in those who did not (42.78%); however, the former group showed a higher asymptomatic infection rate, higher recovery rate, lower incidence of moderate to severe disease , and shorter recovery period as compared to the latter group. Consumption frequency was not associated with the presence of infection or post-infection symptoms. However, among individuals who recovered within 3 days post-infection, those consuming probiotics >30 times/month accounted for the highest proportion, whereas those not consuming probiotics accounted for the lowest proportion. Among individuals with a long recovery period, those who did not consume probiotics accounted for the highest proportion, whereas those who consumed probiotics >30 times/month accounted for the lowest proportion. Among individuals aged ≥50 years, those who consumed probiotics had a significantly lower infection rate than those who did not. Conversely, in individuals aged <50 years, those who consumed probiotics had a higher infection rate than those who did not.

In conclusion, although probiotics consumption was not associated with the presence of infection, it helped to reduce the likelihood of moderate to severe disease after infection and facilitated a shorter recovery period.
