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篇名 運用治療性遊戲及虛擬實境機減輕燙傷兒童疼痛之照護經驗
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Nursing Experience in Relieving pain of a Scalded Child Using Therapeutic Games and Virtual Reality Machines
作者 呂宜璉蔡旻燕許秀蜂林雨利
頁次 090-100
關鍵字 虛擬實境機治療性遊戲燙傷兒童疼痛Virtual reality machineTherapeutic gamePain in scalded children
出刊日期 202404




This study describes the nursing care provided to a scalded preschool child, where therapeutic games and virtual reality machines were used to reduce pain. Care was provided from February 3 to 7, 2021, and Roy’s adaptation model was used for assessment. Data were collected through physical assessments, interviews, and therapeutic games that facilitated communication with the patient. The child was found to have health issues such as acute pain and impaired skin integrity, and caregiver role strain was also identified. Throughout the nursing process, the patient resisted treatment and experienced stress from hospitalization owing to the pain of dressing changes, which increased worries and anxiety in the mother. Therefore, the patient was selected for intervention using therapeutic games including role-playing, picture book reading, and rewards to assist them in expressing inner fears and understanding the importance of burn dressing changes, leading to improved cooperation with the treatment. Besides medication for pain control, a virtual reality machine with game videos was also used to alleviate pain perception and anxiety. During the care process, the patient’s mother was supported empathetically and encouraged to participate to enhance her understanding of the child’s condition. She was also provided with information on symptom-related care and trained in dressing change procedures using an infant manikin to enhance her skills in nursing response and maintain family function. This approach ensured consistent and continuous care for the patient post-discharge. Clinical studies have established that virtual reality machines are effective in reducing pain and alleviating anxiety. This care experience confirms their effectiveness, and presents a more humane and engaging approach to pain relief in children. Thus, the results are shared as a potential supplementary therapy for reference by colleagues.
