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篇名 融合發展視域下閩台短視頻模因的跨文化傳播策略
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Cross-cultural Communication Strategies of Fujian-Taiwan Short Video Memes under the Perspective of Integration Development
作者 劉玲
頁次 022-034
關鍵字 短視頻互聯網模因文化適應性融合發展Short videoInternet memesCultural fitnessIntegration development
出刊日期 202404




Short videos break down the barriers of cross-strait politics, culture, and platforms by providing immersive experiences in the new situation, and play an important role in information exchange and Fujian -Taiwan integration development. Based on the theory of Internet memes, this paper takes Fujian-Taiwan short videos as the research object and explores the cross-cultural communication strategies of Fujian- Taiwan short video memes. It is found that Fujian-Taiwan short videos show sporadic distribution, and have not formed a regional scale effect of Fujian-Taiwan for the time being. We conducted an in-depth study on the reasons for this and finally concluded that the social root cause of the successful spread of short-video memes across the cross-strait barriers is the level of cultural fitness of the memes. In this study, we summarize the following strategies to enhance the cross-cultural fitness of Fujian-Taiwan short-video memes: for inheritance attributes, the redundancy strategy of retaining the core elements can be adopted; for transmission modes, the directive gene mode can be adopted; for dissemination effects, the adaptive media richness strategy can be adopted, so as to provide suggestions for the implementation of the policy on the innovative and integrated development of the short-video industry in Fujian-Taiwan. Reference Opinions.
