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篇名 對網路媒體時代輿論戰的研究與思考——以俄烏戰爭和巴以衝突為例
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Research and thinking on the public opinion war in the era of Internet media —— Take the Russo-Ukrainian war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an example
作者 楊程陳建安
頁次 068-076
關鍵字 俄烏戰爭巴以衝突網路媒體輿論戰Russo-Ukraine warPalestine-Palestinian conflictInternet mediapublic opinion war
出刊日期 202404




The United States and western countries in the Russian-Ukraine war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have used the Internet media respectively to launch a massive public opinion war, In view of our defensive situation in the international public opinion, This paper starts from the different results of the two public opinion wars, By analyzing the main characteristics of the western public opinion war and the different situations of the two public opinion wars, Exploring the reasons for this difference, In order to learn and learn relevant lessons and experiences, In order for China, which is on the defensive in the international public opinion and voice, how to better deal with the western public opinion war in the future, How to "tell the China story" to the world, To enhance our international voice to put forward a little personal shallow views and suggestions.
