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篇名 含鋰廢不斷電電源供應器(UPS)組成分析之研究
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Compositional Analysis of Waste Lithium-Containing Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
作者 黃于睿李清華黃梓倫林媚雯
頁次 007-013
關鍵字 廢棄物不斷電系統鋰鐵電池正負極混合物wasteuninterruptible power supply systemlithium iron batterypositive and negative electrode mixture
出刊日期 202403


本研究針對廢棄含鋰不斷電電源供應器(Uninterruptible Power Supply,UPS)與其鋰鐵電池單體進行組成構造分析,另亦針對鋰鐵電池單體中正負極混合物進行性質分析。根據本研究結果顯示,含鋰廢UPS樣品主要由鐵金屬外殼、塑膠蓋板、螺絲、電線、電池連接片、電池組、電路板和電木等零件所組成,其重量百分比分別依序為11.66%、2.12%、0.60%、0.91%、1.51%、79.75%、3.20%、0.25%。另鋰鐵電池單體樣品主要由膠膜、鋁金屬外殼、正極材料、負極材料、隔離膜與電解液所組成,平均重量百分比分別依序為1.23%、12.88%、38.65%、35.21%、8.59%、3.44%。另正負極混合物樣品之三成分結果顯示,其水分、灰分、可燃分分別依序為0.16%、98.87%、0.97%,而經焙燒研磨後之正負極混合物樣品金屬全含量分析結果顯示,鋰、鋁、鐵與銅金屬全含量分別依序為5.47%、2.13%、17.54%、16.16%,其中以鐵金屬全含量最高,其次為銅金屬全含量,鋁金屬全含量則為最少。整體而言,含鋰廢UPS經拆解後約90%以上之材質具有回收再利用之價值。


This study analyzed the composition and structure of a discarded lithium-containing uninterruptible power supply. The properties of the positive and negative electrode mixtures in the lithium ion battery cells were analyzed. The lithium-containing UPS was composed of an iron metal casing, a plastic cover, screws, wires, pole pieces, battery packs, circuit boards, bakelite, with corresponding weight percentages of 11.66%, 2.12%, 0.60%, 0.91%, 1.51%, 79.75%, 3.20%, and 0.25%, respectively. The lithium ion battery cell comprised plastic film, an aluminum metal casing, a positive electrode material, a negative electrode material, a separator, and a electrolyte, with corresponding weight percentages of 1.23%, 12.88%, 38.65%, 35.21%, 8.59%, and 3.44%, respectively. The results for the positive and negative electrode mixture samples showed that the moisture, ash, and combustible content percentages were 0.16%, 98.87%, and 0.97%, respectively. Moreover, the metal content analysis results of the positive and negative electrode mixture samples after they had been roasted and ground indicated that the total content of lithium, aluminum, iron, and copper was 5.47%, 2.13%, 17.54%, and 16.16%, respectively. Overall, more than 90% of the materials used in lithium-containing uninterruptible power supplies can be recycled.
