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本文主要是設計實作多功能電力量測插座,電腦端以LabVIEW圖控語言來撰寫人機介面,量測端使用Arduino Uno控制板、AC交流電壓感測器、ACS712電流感測器、PZEM-004T交流量測模組以及延長線插座整合而成,在操作上使用者能夠利用人機介面透過與Arduino模組所連結的感測器,監測三個插座負載的電壓和電流之最大值、有效值與平均值,以及頻率、相位差、視在功率、虛功率、實功率、功率因數,消耗度數與計算電費,同時傳送資料至資料庫儲存,方便使用者查詢並瞭解電力使用的狀態。另外考量到現今手機使用普及,本系統亦可透過手機來進行遠端監測,採取Data Dashboard for LabVIEW進行手機APP程式書寫。


The main goal of this paper is to design and implement a multifunctional electric power measurement socket. The computer end uses LabVIEW graphical control language to write the user interface, and the measurement end uses the Arduino Uno control module, AC voltage sensor module, ACS712 current sensor module, PZEM-004T electric power measurement module and the extension cord socket to combine the measurement hardware. The operator can send commands to the hardware from user interface and measure the power parameters of three wall socket’s loads. The power parameters include the Vmax, Vm, Vrms, Imax, Im, Irms, f, S, P, Q, PF, kWh and power bills. This system also sends data to the database for storage, which is convenient for users to query and understand the status of power usage. In addition, considering the popularity of mobile phones nowadays, this system uses mobile phones for remote monitoring and Data Dashboard for LabVIEW software for mobile APP programming.

