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篇名 基於嵌入式系統之即時偵測病患攝影機
卷期 41
並列篇名 Real-time camera based on embedded system
作者 王清松陳威廷池柏勳侯天又
頁次 119-124
關鍵字 EdgeTPUPoseNetKalman filter移動偵測EdgeTPUPoseNetKalman filterMotion Detection
出刊日期 202112




This article uses EdgeTPU as the core to detect human posture through PoseNet. PoseNet is a bit unstable when detecting joint points. In order to solve this problem, this paper uses Kalman filter to filter the PoseNet measurement results to make the signal output more stable and to more accurately judge and observe the patient’s current posture. The application of artificial intelligence has spread to all walks of life in society. For example, this paper uses PoseNet technology to detect whether the patient has gotten out of bed in bed to reduce human resources, provide medical convenience for doctors and nurses, and reduce the consumption of human resources.
