
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 征伐的消失:論日本五山時期漢詩中戰爭敘述的轉化
卷期 45
並列篇名 The Disappearance of Conquests: On the Transformation of War Narratives in Chinese Poems of Japan's Five Mountains Period
作者 梁評貴
頁次 025-054
關鍵字 五山文學漢詩征伐轉化GozanbungakuzenshuClassical PoemsConquestTransformationTHCI
出刊日期 202305




Starting from the Heian period, Huaifengzao, which was still in the simulation stage at first, to Jianzhuan Three Episodes with various themes, regardless of the creative method or subject matter, it can still be seen that this stage is still based on banquet guests. The key point is that overall, it is still in the stage of simulating learning Chinese poetry. At this time, works related to war can be said to be both active and conservative, both of which have been created. After the Heian period, the Wushan period ushered in the stage where the creators completed the localization. The choice of themes and the method of expressing the theme deliberately gave up the active side of promoting war, and emphasized the expression of their own will in the expression , reflecting the localization. The creators of Chinese poems in Japan's Wushan period dispelled and transformed the imagery of frontier fortresses and wars, symbolizing the gradual weakening of traditional themes such as the opposition between Hu and Han in China, as well as the man's lofty ambition to make achievements. Transfer to other aspects of the description. From the perspective of the development history of Japanese and Chinese poetry, the writers of the Wushan period dismantled the vocabulary related to war and merged them with daily life and other themes. Compared with the previous period, their ability to apply imagery and vocabulary was more diverse. The setting is also more complete, showing that the creators of Chinese poems at this time have sufficient ability to flexibly use the cultural traditions originally inherited from Chinese poetics. Under the conscious choice of the theme, it is separated from the existing relative structure and development, and then tends to be routine, localized, and express its own emotions with words related to war and frontier fortress.
