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篇名 混凝土樑裂縫之音洩特性探討
卷期 14:3
並列篇名 A Study of Acoustic Emission Characteristics in Cracks in Concrete Beams
作者 林楨中陳彥翰陳俊瑋
頁次 217-228
關鍵字 音洩混凝土裂縫混凝土樑三點彎曲試驗Acoustic emissionConcrete crackConcrete beamsThree-point-bending tests
出刊日期 200609




Accidents often happen when concrete structures such as tunnels, bridges, slabs, diaphragm walls, or retaining walls collapse while under construction. Traditional safety monitoring methods are incapable of providing alarms in time. The purpose of this study is to apply acoustic emission (AE) technology to detect the growth of cracks in concrete so as to monitor concrete structures and prevent them from collapsing. In this study thirty-two concrete specimens of different age, compressive strength, and maximum aggregate size distribution were wubjected to three-point-bending tests, and the growth of cracks in concrete and AE detection were identified. The test results show: (1) AE counts increase speedily when concrete beams reach the ultimate load, due to rapid interior crack growth. (2) The response of AE hits can be divided into three stages, and the increasing trend of AE hits in the ultimate loading stage can serve as a collapse warning for concrete beams. (3) The cracking frequency of concrete under the peak load is in the lower-frequency range. (4) As the age of concrete beams increases, interior crack paths and AE signals decrease; and as the compressive strength of concrete beams becomes greater, the interior crack paths and AE signals increase. (5) The compressive strength of concrete decreases when the maximum aggregate size of the concrete is over 15 mm. Furthermore, as the maximum aggregate size of concrete beams becomes larger, the interior crack paths and AE signals increase. The results of this research can assist construction companies in applying AE technology to monitor the safety of concrete buildings, and they can also be used to provide early warning of collapse in structures under construction.
