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篇名 含荷荷葩油及甘油保濕劑之奈米乳液最適製程探討
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 Investigation of the Optimum Manufacturing Procedures on the Nanoemulsions Composed of Jojoba Oil and Glycerin Humectant
作者 邱文慧王啟川官常慶
頁次 073-090
關鍵字 奈米乳液平均粒徑安定性NanoemulsionMean particle sizeStability
出刊日期 200606


本實驗製備水中油滴型乳液,採用礦物油、荷荷葩油為油相原料,甘油及純水為水相原料,Span80、Tween80、Brij97 及Brij92 等非離子型界面活性劑為乳化劑,其中荷荷葩油及甘油為保濕劑。討論不同製造程序參數,包括:親水性-親油性平衡值 ( hydrophilic-lipophilic
balance, HLB )、混合乳化劑總克數、均質速度、加熱乳化時間、乳化溫度、混合乳化劑添加在油相或水相、冷卻方式、混合乳化劑種類等,對乳液其平均粒徑及安定性之影響。由實驗結果顯示,奈米乳液最適當之製造程序為:將Span80 加Tween80 或Span80 加Brij97 或Brij97 加Brij92等三組混合乳化劑分別添加10 克在油相,油、水相原料則分別預熱15分鐘,乳化溫度70℃或80℃,均質攪拌速度1000rpm,乳化時間30 分鐘,HLBAB = 10.72 時,以自然冷卻或冰浴冷卻至室溫25℃,皆可得平均粒徑小於100nm 之保濕奈米乳液。室溫下靜置,至少可以安定二個月皆不分層。以上奈米乳液之配方,在化妝保養品及醫學藥品上之應用,將有助於配合活性成分穿越皮膚,達到經皮膚滲透吸收之良好效果。


In this study, the oil in water emulsions were prepared using
mineral oil and jojoba oil in the oil phase, the glycerin and water in the
aqueous phase, and the nonionic surfactants such as Span80, Tween80,
Brij97 and Brij92 as emulsifiers, in which jojoba oil and glycerin as
humectant. The parameters of manufacturing procedures discussed which
influence the mean droplet size and stability of emulsions are:
hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB), weight of blended emulsifiers,
homogenization speed, emulsification time, emulsification temperature,
blended emulsifiers added in the oil phase or in the aqueous phase, cooling
method, type of blended emulsifiers. The experiment results show that the
optimum manufacturing procedures for nanoemulsion are: adding ten grams
of three optimized blend emulsifiers (Span80 and Tween80, Span80 and
Brij97, or Brij97 and Brij92) in oil phase separately, preheating the oil and
aqueous phases for fifteen minutes, emulsification temperature erature at 70℃ or
80℃, homogenization speed at 1000rpm, emulsification for thirty minutes,
hydrophilic-lipophilic balance, HLBAB=10.72, and natural or iced cooling
down to 25℃. With the above optimum manufacturing procedures, the
mean particle sizes of the moisture nanoemulsions prepared are smaller than
100nm, and the nanoemulsions obtained can stabilize for at least two
months without separation at ambient storage. The above nanoemulsions
emulsification formulate, being applied for skin care cosmetic or
pharmaceutic, can deliver efficiently along with active ingredients through
the skin, and thus enhance penetration and absorption of actives.
