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篇名 以界面活性劑改質水性聚氨基甲酸酯∕黏土複合物之抗菌性質
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 The Antibacterial Property of a Surfactant Modified Waterborne Polyurethane/clay Composite Dispersion
作者 李訓清黃俊哲劉興鑑
頁次 101-110
關鍵字 水性聚氨基甲酸酯黏土抗菌性Waterborne polyurethaneClayAntibacterial property
出刊日期 200606


構、物理性質及塗膜性質等。本研究在製備水性PU 之合成階段中添加
水性PU/clay 複合物(complex)並具有抗菌效果。因clay 本身及其所
吸附之界面活性劑的離子性之影響,水性PU/clay 複合物乳液的平均粒
徑隨著clay 含量之增加而增大,複合膜的表面電阻隨著clay 含量之增
加而降低,使複合膜具有靜電消散功能。增加clay 含量可提高複合物的
耐熱性而不影響其接著性,且clay 的含量影響水性PU/clay 複合膜之抗


The structure and properties of the waterborne polyurethane
depend strongly on its preparation process. A series of surfactants were used
to modify hydrophilic nanoscale clay to be organophilic. The added
surfactants can also enlarge the interlayer’s distance of clay to facilitate the
insertion of monomer or macromolecules. The organophilic clay was added
during the synthesis process of waterborne polyurethane to form a
waterborne polyurethane/clay composite dispersion possessing antibacterial
property. The average particle sizes of the polyurethane/clay dispersions
increase with increasing clay content due to the ionic essence of clay. The
ions in clay and surfactant reduce the surface electric resistance of the
polyurethane/clay composite film. Clay enhances the thermal resistance of
the polyurethane/clay composites without changing their adhesion strength.
Furthermore, clay introduces antibacterial property to waterborne
polyurethane significantly.
