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篇名 Review Paper Copper Wafer Bonding: Interface Analysis and Characterization
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 回顧論文--銅晶圓接合:介面觀察及分析
作者 陳冠能Reif, Rafael
頁次 001-010
關鍵字 晶圓接合氧化物微結構晶粒取向Wafer bondingCopperOxidationMicrostructureGrain orientation
出刊日期 200603




This review paper reviews the interfacial morphologies, oxide
distribution, and microstructure observation of copper bonded wafers. An
excellent copper wafer bonding can be achieved under the bonding
condition we developed. This wafer bonding shows a homogeneous layer
without the original boding interface. The oxidation distribution in the
bonded layer is uniform and sparse. Different types of interfacial
morphologies were observed as well. Evolution of microstructure
morphologies and grain orientations of Cu-Cu bonded wafers during
bonding and annealing were studied. We observed that the microstructure of
the bonded layer reaches steady state after post-bonding anneal. From the
initial bonding process, an abnormal (220) grain growth was observed. The
preferred grain orientation of the bonded layer became (220) from (111).
This evolution of the preferred grain orientation may come from the
yielding effect and energy minimization of the bonded layer.
