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篇名 Significance and Paradox of Misreading: A Study on problems of effects of Soviet-Russian culture influence on China
卷期 11
並列篇名 誤讀的意義與陷阱:蘇俄文化之于中國的諸種後果
作者 林精華
頁次 095-121
關鍵字 misreadingSoviet-Russian democracyNational StateSoviet-Russian Marxismtruth誤讀蘇俄馬克思主義蘇俄民主民族國家認同真理
出刊日期 200703


自民國以來,自身問題重重的蘇俄(如其歷史發展基本上是在不斷動盪中前行的、斯拉夫文明內部分化很嚴重、沒有統一的民族認同等),卻經由中國知識界和思想界甚至政界的積極介紹、熱情宣導、制度性推行等,蘇俄文化對中國產生了神奇影響力。蘇聯的解體讓中國人突然醒悟到,俄國對20 世紀以來的中國所發生的種種影響,本質上不是基於其生產力的先進,而是因其斯拉夫文明的獨特魅力。問題是,20 世紀中國在沒有搞清楚俄國文化複雜性的情形下,何以一廂情願地大規模引進俄國文化?因而今天我們有必要反思近百年來中國知識界對蘇俄文化的誤讀及其後果,探究經由蘇俄的仲介,中國把馬克思主義問題怎樣地簡化了、晚清帝國在轉化為現代民族國家過程中遭遇了什麼樣的認同障礙、「民主」發生了何種變異、蘇俄文化被普遍化到怎樣的程度等問題。


Soviet-Russia, as a supranational state with troubles, had a profound influence on the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China. With enthusiasm, Chinese intelligentsia
and political activists introduced and advocated Soviet-Russian culture, and therefore
implemented it. After collapsing of Soviet-Russia, Chinese finally understood that Soviet-Russia
influenced on China through its Slavic fascination. Why did intelligentsia unilaterally construct
the comparability of Chinese and Soviet-Russian culture, and accept Soviet-Russian culture
before realizing the complexity of Soviet-Russian culture? Only after reconsidering why and how
Chinese intelligentsia misread Soviet-Russian culture, can we probe into the problems, such as
how Chinese simplified the comprehension of Marxism, why they neglected the national identity
in the process of reconstructing China, how the extension of “democracy” was lessened, and why
Soviet-Russian culture was regard as universal truth, etc.
