
護理雜誌 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 女性與醫療環境
卷期 50:5
並列篇名 Women and the Medical Environment
作者 黃志中王秀紅
頁次 16-21
關鍵字 女性醫療環境公共空間父權WomenMedical environmentPublic spacePatriarchyMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200310




     Seeking medical care is often an unpleasant experience for women, especially when they are asked to expose their body, which is normally regarded as a private sphere in the dominant public space. The medical environment, as a public space, is constructed above the private-sphere activities of women. This results in insecurity and danger for women. To maintain society's need for physical health, women are often requested to expose their bodies/organs in the specific public space outside their private sphere. Through lack of respect of women's autonomy, and a denial of the right to self-determination that marginalizes women's health needs, the patriarchal nature of the medical environment drastically distorts women's subjectivity. This article explores the manipulation of women's health in the contemporary medical system. Through awareness of women's subjectivity in the medical system, a new medical environment with gender sensitivity and gender respect needs to be constructed.
