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篇名 促進高危險性兒童的復原力
卷期 50:5
並列篇名 Promoting Resilience in At-risk Children
作者 張淑敏宋惠娟
頁次 61-64
關鍵字 復原力危險性兒童健康促進ResilienceAt-risk childrenHealth promotionMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200310




     In the last decade, the main focus of health care systems throughout the world has shifted from treatment for illness to health promotion. Most of the studies related to children's health problems have also begun to explore the negative impact of high-risk environments on children's development. Some environmental high-risk factors may cause psychological and cognitive impairment of children, and it is not always possible to avoid or prevent such factors in children's lives. However, some children have developed skills and abilities to cope with and overcome stress and danger, and these children who can go on to normal development are called
