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篇名 繪畫活動於精神科之臨床應用
卷期 50:5
並列篇名 Clinical Applications of Drawing Activities in Psychiatry
作者 陳繼勝
頁次 105-109
關鍵字 繪畫活動藝術治療精神科Drawing activityArt therapyPsychiatryMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200310


     繪畫活動是藝術治療的一種方式,是強而有力的情感表達方式,也是無限的自由與創作,其於臨床領域的療效已被許多研究證實(Dick, 2001)。對精神科病患而言,繪畫活動是在安全的環境中,提供治療性關係的建立、創作的表達、促進溝通及情緒鬆弛等效果。今日歐美先進國家已將藝術治療列為精神醫療治療的一環,且仍不斷地研究與成長當中。鑑於藝術治療於國內臨床應用仍闕如,本文重在介紹繪畫活動的特質,精神病患的繪畫特徵,繪畫活動於臨床的相關研究與應用,以及醫護人員所扮演的角色與注意事項等,盼醫護人員未來於臨床執行各項專業業務之際,能適時地運用繪畫活動,幫助病患獲得更佳的照護模式。


     Drawing activity is one kind of art therapy. It is a very strong and powerful way to express feelings, and it also allows participants to engage inactivities without any limits. The clinical treatment outcome of drawing activity has been proved in many studies (Dick, 2001). For most psychiatric patients, drawing activity can be performed in a safe situation. Participating in these activities also provides these patients with the chance to establish a therapeutic relationship, to show their feelings in their paintings, to promote meaningful communication, and to become emotionally relaxed. Today in advanced European and American countries art therapy is regarded as an important part of the treatment of psychiatric patients, and work is continuing on improving treatment outcomes. In view of the lack of clinical application of art therapy in Taiwan, this paper attempts to introduce the characteristics of drawing activity, the features of psychiatric patients' paintings, the clinical research and application of drawing activity, the role of medical professionals, and the things that should be taken into consideration. In the end, this paper suggests that medical professionals should use drawing activity at appropriate times in their clinical work to give patients better care.
