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篇名 Effects of Using a Nursing Crisis Intervention Program on Psychosocial Responses and Coping Strategies of Infertile Women during in Vitro Fertilization
卷期 11:3
並列篇名 危機處置護理模式對接受試管嬰兒治療之不孕婦女的心理社會反應與因應的成效
作者 李淑杏
頁次 197-208
關鍵字 不孕心理社會反應試管嬰兒治療危機處置護理模式InfertilityPsychosocial responseIn-vitro fertilizationNursing crisis intervention programMEDLINEScopusSSCITSCITSSCISCIE
出刊日期 200309


不孕及其治療皆可能引發不孕婦女生活上之危機。本研究目的在於評估所發展的危機處置護理模式,針對接受試管嬰兒治療之不孕婦女,降低其在不同治療階段之身心社會壓力反應程度與增強因應策略。本研究採實驗式研究法,隨機分派接受試管嬰兒治療之不孕婦女為實驗組及控制組。實驗組於開始接受治療階段 (週期第三天)第一次收集資料後以危機處置護理模式介入,此介入模式包括播放試管嬰兒治療過程錄影帶、以錄音帶教導個案自我暗示及肌肉放鬆技巧及個別認知-行為諮商,並於胚胎植入階段及驗孕前階段再重複施以測量。控制組則按常規予以護理。以重複測量進行統計分析。結果顯示:實驗組不孕婦女之「人際關係」心理社會壓力反應有降低趨勢,介入之效果與不同治療階段有交互作用,其餘之各項身心社會壓力反應在二組間並沒有統計上之顯著差異。兩組婦女「情境焦慮」及「面對問題」、「隔離心思/緩和身體」之因應方式有階段上之顯著差異。實驗組個案主觀感覺介入措施對減輕困擾及壓力有幫助。本研究所建立之危機處置護理模式可供臨床護理實務之參考。


Infer til ity and its treat ment may cause life cri ses in infer tile women. The pur pose of this study is to eval u ate the effects of a cri sis inter ven tion pro gram on improv ing psychosocial responses and enhanc ing cop ing strat e gies for infer tile women attend ing dif fer ent stages of an In-Vitro Fer til iza tion –Embryo Trans fer (IVF-ET) treat ment pro gram. Using an exper i men tal study design, infer tile women attend ing an IVF-ET treat ment pro gram were ran domly assigned to exper i men tal and con trol groups. In the exper i men tal group, infer tile women com pleted and answered a ques tion naire and received nurs ing cri sis inter ven tion at the ini tial stage of treat ment (day 3). This included (1) view ing a video explain ing the ther a peu tic pro cess of IVF-ET, (2) self-hypnosis and mus cle relax ation train ing, and (3) pro vi sion of cog ni tive-behavioral coun sel ing. The same ques tion naire was used again for sub jects at the stage of embryo trans fer and before tak ing a preg nancy test. The women in the con trol group were only inter viewed using the same ques tion naire and at the same times as the exper i men tal group. Anal y sis by repeated mea sure ment ANOVA dem on strated that there was a reduc tion in psychosocial response in terms of inter per sonal rela tion ships, and there was an inter ac tion between inter ven tion effects and stage of treat ment. How ever, there was no sta tis ti cally sig nif i cant dif fer ence in the level of psychosocial responses between the exper i men tal and con trol groups although some mean ing ful find ings were made. How ever, in terms of state of anx i ety, con fron ta tional prob lems, and iso lated mind/body relax ation, there were sig nif i cant dif fer ences between the two groups of infer tile women at some stages of IVF-ET treat ment. The women in the exper i men tal group per ceived a pos i tive effect of the nurs ing inter ven tion in reliev ing their psychosocial responses. The results of this nurs ing cri sis inter ven tion could be help ful in nurs ing prac tice when deal ing with infer tile women attend ing IVF treat ment pro grams.
