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篇名 新戲劇之反戲劇風格--以《等待果陀》及《女僕》為例
卷期 6
並列篇名 The Anti-theatre Style of the Nouveau Theatre: A Study of En Attendant Godot and Les Bonnes
作者 梁蓉
頁次 83-99
關鍵字 新戲劇反戲劇貝克特惹內Le th??tre nouveauAnti-theaterSamuel BackettJean Genet
出刊日期 200706




Le nouveau théâtre” flourished in France in the 1950s. in the development of the twentieth-century drama, the concept of “Le nouveau théâtre” was closely related to Dadaism and Surrealism of the 1920s and had a great influence on the avant-garde drama. “Le nouveau théâtre" is anti-traditional, anti-categorical, anti-logical and anti-rational; in other words, it is against the rational structure and the linear development of the traditional drama and thus represents the features of the “anti- théâtre". Focusing on the origin of “Le nouveau théâtre" and Samuel Beckett’s En attendant Godot as well as Jean Genet’s Les Bonnes, this project aims to analyze the characters, dialogues and themes of the two plays according to the location, time, and plots. The project will also tease out features of the plays, such as the complicate relationship between the characters, the meaningless dialogues, the vain attempt to escape and the play-within-a-play. Through the seemingly absurd plots and dialogues, I argue that Beckett and Genet question human nature with irony as well as sympathy. If such an attitude imply the playwrights’ feelings of hopelessness about human destiny is the final concern of this project.
