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篇名 以語料庫為本之語言教學應用研究--語詞搭配之分析
卷期 6
並列篇名 Corpus-based Study of Foreign Language Teaching: Analysis of Collocation
作者 盧慧娟林柳村白芳怡
頁次 39-57
關鍵字 語詞搭配語料庫檢索西語學習CollocationCorpusSpanish learning
出刊日期 200706


近十年來,隨著語料庫語言學的發展,和語詞搭配相關之研究在外語教學上已形成一股新潮流。以Chen(2002)、Liu(2001)、Shih(2000)、Wei(1999)等人之研究成果為基礎,本論文旨在透過對相關變數之分析與探討,瞭解臺灣西語學習者語詞搭配學習與使用之情形。 本有的研究問題為:學習者本身之西文程度、語詞搭配使用的錯誤傾向、使用線上西語語料庫協助自我錯誤訂正和訂正成效間的互動關係為何?語料來源是成功大學外文系九十三學年度三年級西語組24位學習者修改前後兩個版本的作文文本,修改前後間則提供了藉助線上語料庫以查調語詞搭配的教學範例。在研究方法上,一方面,以詞類法分析學習者語詞搭配的組合類型,除根據分佈傾向歸納出學習難易的階層排序外,並檢視錯誤與相關變數間之關係。另一方面,則透過可能影響因素之統計檢定,評估語料應應用於外語學習的成效。最後,針對語料庫應用於語詞搭配之訂正與學習,提出相關之檢索技巧的策略。 本研究獲致以下結論:(1)介係詞+名詞之語詞搭配組合的使用難度偏高。(2)初階學習者的西文程度和語詞搭配錯誤量間並無顯著關係存在。(3)語料庫檢索法的應用可幫助語詞搭配錯誤之自我訂正,尤以在變善介係相關之詞語搭配的錯誤訂正成效上最為顯著。


During the past decade, research based on study of collocation has narrowed into a new trend within the field of foreign language teaching with the help of the advancement of computer technology and corpus linguistics. This paper, based on the research results of Chen (2002), Liu (2001), Shih (2000), Wei (1999), Kita & Ogata (1997), Lennon (1995), Goutsos, Hatzidaki & King (1994), Bahns & Eldaw (1993), aims at probing the collocation exercised by Taiwanese Spanish learners and analyzing related variables. The central concern f this study is to understand the relationship between learner’s language ability, the tendency of errors caused by learner’s usage of collocation, and learner’s self-correction of his writing by using the online Spanish corpus. The subjects of our research will be the twenty-four junior students of the 93rd academic year in the Spanish group of Cheng Kung University’s foreign Languages and Literature Department, and our analyzing sources will be their original and revised compositions. We will offer samples for online search in the online corpus in order to let learners become familiar with the function of search, and evaluate the effect caused by applying corpus into foreign language learning through statistical tests of possible factors. We will also point out advanced methods of research and related strategies according to the self-correction and learning of collocation achieved through application of the corpus. This study will generate several concrete conclusions. First, the collocation of preposition and noun is difficult for Taiwanese learners. Second, there is no significant relation to beginner learner’s language capacity and errors of collocation they make. Third, the application of corpus search can help them to correct their mistakes in their compositions, and the result is most prominent in the error correction of collocation with preposition.
