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篇名 托爾斯塔婭的異想世界--文字符號的魔術
卷期 6
並列篇名 Tolstaya's World of Wonder: A Magic with Words
作者 劉心華
頁次 101-117
關鍵字 後現代主義文字魔術烏托邦神話去中心化PostmodernismMagic with wordsUtopian mythologyDe-centricity
出刊日期 200706


出身於綱學世家,崛起於二十世紀80年代俄國文壇的後現代派作家塔斯雅娜.托爾斯塔婭(TaTbяHa ToлcTaя, 1951-),擅長文字的運用技巧。她專門選擇一群上帝遺棄,處於社會邊緣的小人物為主角,描述他們在後現代社會的生活點滴,並刻畫他們的性格與內心,以印證後現代主義生活的無中心特質。 特殊的情境孕育特殊的描述風格,也造就了托爾斯塔婭的文學特質。文字在托爾斯塔婭的妙筆運作下,變成了具有生命力的符號連接,變化萬千。她以大膽的書寫技巧配合多樣化的體裁來豐富作品的情節,一改過去一般文學作品裡人物與對話的單調表述,也因而豐富了小說作品的表現形式。托爾斯塔婭的小說大量運用比喻、隱喻、暗示、感嘆句和符號,交錯營造著音樂、畫面和氣氛,呈現出魔幻般的異想世界。 本論文將探討托爾斯塔婭如何透過對主題的描繪以展現其獨特的創作風格。在論述方法上,主要是以其早期發表的兩篇小說《索妮亞》(Coня)及《親愛的舒拉》(Muлaя IIIypa)作為文獻依據,來呈現出托爾斯塔婭歐建構的奇幻世界。


Tat’iana Tolstaia (1951-), inherited from the family of literature, emerged to be a Russian post-modernist writer in the eighties of the 20th century. As a literature with prominent talent in exploiting words, she pays much attention to the life of those small potatoes in the society, including their personalities and feelings. The characters of her novels show the essence of de-centricity in the post-modernism era. An unusual scenario gestates unique style of writing. Besides the gifts, the special atmosphere of the society breeds the unique writing style of Tolstaia’s novels. With subjective and objective conditions, Tolstaia is able to exploit the characters as a symbol context with vitality and life. Accompanying the writing talent with diversified materials, Tolstaia can change the traditional way of expression with monotonous dialogue and nourishes the plot of her flourishing works. Accordingly, the form of expression enriches her works too. Tolstaia’s novels use a large amount of metaphor, hint, exclamatory sentence and symbol, collocating music, picture and atmosphere, to demonstrate the fantastic world with magic words. This thesis would probe into how Tolstaia presents her unique style in writing by depicting the subject with post-modernism life. In the approaching method, it mainly takes Tolstaia’s two novels : Sonia(Coня) and Dear Shura (Muлaя IIIypa) as content analysis to demonstrate the fantastic world with magic words Tolstaia constructs.
