
新聞學研究 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 愛滋新聞閱讀與對感染者與病患的態度:以針對年輕族群的訊息設計實驗為例
卷期 87
並列篇名 News Reading and Attitudes Toward People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Message Design Experiment on Taiwanese Young Adults
作者 徐美苓陳瑞芸張皓傑賴奕帆林佳韻
頁次 1-49
關鍵字 烙印化健康傳播愛滋病新聞實驗法StigmatizationHealth communicationAIDSNewsExperimentScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 200604


本研究以訊息設計、跨地比較的方式,觀察新聞呈現、閱聽眾的先前差異(包括性別、認知與態度)對支持愛滋病患與感染者權益態度的影響。本研究採用4(感染途徑)×2(性別)×2(地域)的多因子實驗設計,計有來自台北市與高雄縣某鄉鎮共960 名自願年輕受試者參與實驗。本研究主要分析方式為「多變量共變數分析」,研究結果顯示:受試者除了對「結婚生育權」略持負面態度外,對「就學、工作與人身權」、「對與感染者相處態度」、「幫助感染者意願」三個依變項的態度皆略傾向支持,而對同性戀愈持正面態度者也愈支持其擁有之相關權利。閱讀強調同性間感染途徑愛滋新聞的受試者,其對結婚生育權之負面態度最為輕微,也較傾向願意協助並與感染者或病患相處。男性受試者較女性受試者支持「就學、工作與人身權」,亦較願意與感染者相處。台北市地區受試者明顯較高雄縣受試者不反對感染者或病患結婚生育的權利、工作與人身自由等權益。


supporting PLWHAs’ rights for marriage and birth-giving. Those expressing more positive views about homosexuality indicate a stronger intention to interact with or help PLWHAs and have more positive attitudes towards PLWHAs’ rights for education, work and living. They also are likely to support PLWHAs’ rights for marriage and birth-giving more. Those who are assigned to “man-to-man-sex” news condition express the least negative attitude toward PLWHAs’ rights for marriage and birth-giving. Men are more likely than women to show positive attitudes towards PLWHAs’ rights for education, work and living, and to interact with PLWHAs. Taipei participants, in comparison to their Kaohsiung counterparts, express a stronger likelihood to support PLWHAs' rights for marriage and birth-giving as well as for education and work and living.
