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篇名 我國綜合證券商研究人員資訊尋求行為研究
卷期 52
並列篇名 Information-Seeking Behavior of Securities Analysts in Taiwan
作者 劉瑄儀
頁次 70-87
關鍵字 股市資訊投資資訊證券分析師證券投資分析資訊尋求行為基本分析Stock informationInvestment informationSecurities analystSecurities investment researchInformation-seeking behaviorFundamental analysis
出刊日期 200502




In the process of investment, one should select correct assets in order to make profits and lower risks. Thus, we need a variety of investment information and knowledge. At present, most large securities firms provide investment information in the forms of publications, websites, and their activities. The research department of securities firms is established to cultivate professional securities analysts, who devote themselves to securities investment research and contribute their achievement to policy decisions of their firms and to the knowledge of investors through research reports, speeches, and consultations. The purpose of this study is to discuss information needs and the information-seeking behavior of securities analysts in Taiwan. Moreover, their difficulties, opinions, and suggestions are also examined in this study.
