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篇名 模糊分類應用於圖書館資訊選粹服務系統
卷期 52
並列篇名 Application of Fuzzy Classification to the Library System of Selective Dissemination of Information
作者 林信成蕭勝文
頁次 23-41
關鍵字 模糊分類模糊編目模糊詮釋資料模糊檢索模糊資訊選粹服務Fuzzy classificationFuzzy catalogueFuzzy metadataFuzzy searchFuzzy SDI
出刊日期 200502




This study applies the concepts of fuzzy classification and fuzzy metadata to the design of the library system of selective dissemination of information, so as to further correspond to the reader’s individual
requirement of information. Firstly, we survey some fields related to our study, including library automation,classification and catalogue, selective dissemination of information (SDI), metadata, and fuzzy theory. Secondly,we attempt to define and expound the concept of fuzzy metadata by using fuzzy theory as the theoretical model.
Furthermore, we propose a fuzzy method for classifying and cataloguing books as well as a practical approach for recording the fuzzy metadata to bibliographical databases in CMARC format. The method of fuzzy
classification is also applied to the reader, in order that the fuzzy relations between the reader and books can be explicated in fuzzy composition to achieve the goal of fuzzy SDI. Finally, we develop an experimental fuzzy SDI system to verify the proposed methods in our study.
