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篇名 資料庫權益主體的權利義務平衡機制分析
卷期 52
並列篇名 Analysis of the Balanced Right-Obligation Mechanism of Database Rights and Interests Subjects
作者 馬海群李偉紅
頁次 10-22
關鍵字 資料庫資料庫權益主體權利義務平衡機制DatabaseDatabase rights and interests subjectsRight and obligationBalance mechanism
出刊日期 200502




In the course of making, selling, and using the database, its relevant rights and interests subjects include database publishers, original data authors, the library, and the reader. Based on an analysis of the respective positions of these relevant rights and interests subjects, this paper describes the right-obligation relationships between original data authors and database publishers, database publishers and the library, the library and the reader, and explicates the laws and regulations suitable to be applied to them. Questions existing among different rights and interests subjects will also be analyzed here. Furthermore, facing the imbalance in the right-obligation relationships among the above-mentioned four rights and interests subjects, this paper puts forward possible solutions: the balance may be achieved through perfecting the legal system and consummating the mechanism of management.
