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篇名 圖書館事業之價值
卷期 52
並列篇名 The Values of Librarianship
作者 盧秀菊
頁次 1-9
關鍵字 價值圖書館圖書館事業圖書館哲學圖書館服務圖書館價值圖書館服務與價值圖書館事業與價值ValueLibraryLibrarianshipLibrary philosophyLibrary servicesValues of libraryLibrary services and valuesLibrarianship and values
出刊日期 200502




The dramatic technological changes have been seen in libraries in the end of the 20th century. But in comparison to changes in politics, society, economics, and other aspects of human life, the changes in libraries were smaller. Among the various factors of change, computer, Internet and World Wide Web were the forces made biggest impact on libraries. No matter how big is the change, the ultimate goal of a library is serving its users, and the main value of librarianship is library services.
This paper studies the meaning and content of the term of “value”; library and library philosophy; library services and service values; the values of librarianship. This paper concludes that: the values of librarianship such as defending intellectual freedom of all people in a free society to ensure their equity of access to recorded knowledge and information, encouraging literacy and reading to achieve lifelong learning and continuous education, employing democracy and rationalism in library management and services, preserving the human record to ensure that to be passed on to future generations, etc., will hopefully continue to stand and claim its importance in the 21st century.
