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篇名 全球化下圖書館資訊服務的變革與趨勢:以歐洲圖書館為例
卷期 60
並列篇名 Change and Trend of Library Information Service in the Era of Globalization: A Case Study of the European Library
作者 鍾雪珍
頁次 66-76
關鍵字 全球化次全球化圖書館資訊服務變革與趨勢整合系統歐洲圖書館全球在地化在地全球化GlobalizationSubGlobalizationLocGlobalizationGlocalizationLibraryInformation serviceChanges and trendsIntegrated systemThe European libraryTELEurope
出刊日期 200702




Initiating its website in March 2005, the European Library is a virtual library in collaboration with 45 national libraries across Europe, providing library services for international and multilingual users. With a global vision to integrate and share resources of European cultures and knowledge under the identity of the European Union, the European Library serves as a paradigm for the construction of the globally flowing library and information services. The European Library also provides a key to the circulation of the global knowledge economy and opens the portals to the multi-center globalization of the 21st century. This virtually formed library facilitates the creation, accumulation, and propagation of knowledge in the information age. The study of this new model in the global library service is expected to offer an insight into the future development of library and information sciences.
