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篇名 韋伯官僚理論與檔案來源原則之映證
卷期 60
並列篇名 Mutual Proof between Max Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy and the Principle of Archival Provenance
作者 王麗蕉廖彩惠
頁次 77-89
關鍵字 來源原則官僚理論尊重全宗原則控制層次檔案編排Principle of provenanceBureaucracyRespect des fondsLevel of controlArchival arrangement
出刊日期 200702




The principle of provenance serves as the foundation of the archival arrangement and description in the modern archival administration. Nevertheless, the theory of this principle has so far lacked systematized expositions. This paper first introduces the principle of provenance and outlines the modernization process of contemporary archives, attempting to sketch out the basis and characteristic of rational analysis in Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy structure. According to Weber’s theory, this paper intends to demonstrate the influences of the principle of provenance on the modern management of archives through comparing and analyzing different practices of archival arrangements and descriptions in the historical development. This study proposes the suggestion of adopting a gradually advancing mode to manage the archives so as to verify both the theoretical and the practical dimensions of the application of the principle of provenance.
