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篇名 圖書館應用無線射頻辨識技術之創新應用與實作
卷期 60
並列篇名 Innovative Applications of RFID in Library Services
作者 余顯強葉宏達
頁次 1-11
關鍵字 圖書館無線射頻識別自動化識別創新應用實作LibraryRFIDAuto-IDInnovation applicationImplementation
出刊日期 200702




This study considers how to extend the RFID applications within the restriction of limited library funds and budgets, in addition to the use of RFID to replace bar-codes and magnetic strips for security control and collection management. This paper describes the application of RFID in the Shih-Hsin University Library, which takes advantage of the characteristic of long-distance induction in the UHF device of RFID to assist in searching and orientation, to gather statistics on the utility rate and duration of books, and to provide instant guide for individual service. This specific case study will facilitate the reader to understand the central issues and possible solutions in the process of analyzing and implementing the structure of RFID for the three innovative applications in library services.
